Heroes: the Army
"...a German machine gun opened fire and shot me in the face. The bullet entered just below my left eye and exited behind my right ear. It felt as if someone had hit me in the head with a sledge hammer..."
Paul M. Wible, Co. M., 407th Regiment, 102nd Division
In Honor of the men who served in the
102d Infantry Division,
Messages and Inquiries
from former OZARKS and Friends
A New Page to Honor the Men of the
102nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army
European Theater of Operations
Below you will find a series of recently received messages from former 102nd Division members/friends who are searching for information or other former members of the 102nd Division.
We are proud to continue our tribute to honor these former citizen soldiers by placing these messages here for all to read.
Any comments, suggestions or questions are welcomed.
the webmaster
102nd Division Bulletin/Message Board
Thursday 02/18/2010 8:45:24pm
Your Name: David Willis
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: willismoe@bbtel.com
City/Country: Harned, Ky. U.S.A.
What Unit Did You Serve With: 405th inf.102nd div. company L
When and Where Did You Serve: Nov. 1944 Germany near Immendorf
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: My grandfather George E. Fuqua was KIA Nov. 21 1944 near Immendorf Germany and is buried at Margraten
Tell us something about your service: #35687906 was his service number
Comments/Suggestions: Just would like to hear from someone who may have served with him.
Sunday 02/14/2010 12:44:19am
Your Name: Sherman Wehlander
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: sherm.wehlander@doosan.com
City/Country: Fargo, ND USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father in-law served with WW2 9th Army, 102 division 927th Field Artilliary Battalion.
When and Where Did You Serve: From Camp Moxie to the Elbe River
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I am trying to find some stories, history on the 927th F.A. Battalion but, have found nothing. everything is about the 405th and 406th mostly.. can you help. My father in law in bad health and want as much put together a history lesson for his grandsons and great grandson. his legacy must live on in generation..
Sunday 12/20/2009 10:58:03pm
Your Name: Jeanne Thibodeau
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: thibodeaumiswald@yahoo.com
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: You wrote about my dad that a huge memorial stone at the St. Hubertus Cross wayside shrine honors Miswald's (my dad's) spirit and memory.
What country is this meorial in? Where do I start my search?
You wrote:
Today Just outside the Rhineland town of Linnich, a huge memorial stone at the St. Hubertus Cross wayside shrine honors Miswald's spirit and memory. Erected by veterans and villagers, it proudly displays the Ozark Division insignia. In the town inside St. Martinus Church, a similar Peace Window memorial honors all victims of the war.
Saturday 11/14/2009 10:43:01pm
Your Name: Daniel Bernard Taylor
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: dtaylor10@law.du.edu
City/Country: Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My Dad: Bernard "Barney" Taylor from Yonkers, NY served in Co. I, 3rd BN 407th INF.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: ust Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I will tell my Dad's story later after giving this a great deal of thought.
It should not go without being said that when I saw the OZARK patch - I got chills. Dad had many of these and one was sewn on his "Ike" jacket. My Dad passed away several years ago, and I had not seen this emblem in many, many years.
Tell us something about your service: My Dad told me many times about crossing the Roer river. I am so glad that he repeated this story. After some thought, I will be able to share his story. Now, suffice it to say he earned the Purple Heart Medal; and later (along with many) the Bronze Star.
My Dad and his comrades are called the "Greatest Generation" - for good reason.
Thank you so much for creating this forum.
Daniel B. Taylor, proud son of
Bernard "Barney" Taylor
Thursday 11/05/2009 5:39:18pm
Your Name: Lynda Lerum
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: lyraele@gmail.com
City/Country: Bloomington MN 55437
What Unit Did You Serve With: my father, Paul E. Lerum, served 102d infantry signal corp radio operator- tech sargeant - From WI and MN
When and Where Did You Serve: Holland, Germany, France
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: no - I don't know any
Tell us something about your service: Know nothing
Tuesday 10/13/2009 12:18:32am
Your Name: Allen R Lahmers
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: csmnepm@yahoo.com
City/Country: Dover Ohio
What Unit Did You Serve With: I served in the 102nd 406th anti tank co
When and Where Did You Serve: I served in 1944 in Germany
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Allen R Lahmers pasted away on january 29 1987 in canton Ohio.He died of cancer.He was my uncle.Would like to hear from any one who knew him.
Sunday 09/27/2009 7:27:25am
Your Name: Charlene NEWS Steinmetz
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: charlene@steinmetz.us
City/Country: Berlin, NJ USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father,SGT. CHARLES H. NEWS served in the Service Co., 405th Infantry.
When and Where Did You Serve: He drove an ammo truck and served in Central Europe and the Rhineland. Date entered 27 Nov 1942; date of separation 15 Nov 1945 at Fort Monmouth.
We have found a photo of PVT Walter Ham, listing his address as 2 Hine Place, New Haven CT. My father passed away, but I wonder if WALTER HAM is still living and can be located. If his family reads this, please contact me. Thanks!
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: We have found a photo of PVT Walter Ham, listing his address as 2 Hine Place, New Haven CT. My father passed away, but I wonder if WALTER HAM is still living and can be located. If his family reads this, please contact me. Thanks
Wednesday 09/23/2009 6:19:51pm
Your Name: Jason
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: powergroove75@yahoo.com
City/Country: Santa Barbara, CA
What Unit Did You Serve With: Grandfather served in the 102D/405th
When and Where Did You Serve: He served in Germany and Bulgium I believe.
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I'm hoping to find any info I can about my grandfather's time during the War from people who may have been in the same unit or platoon or somewhere close. I have his serial number, and various other things, but not much else. He passed away when I was in my late teens before I had the chance to know him as an adult.
Over the years I've found a great passion for the history of WWII.
Tell us something about your service:
Monday 07/13/2009 1:43:28am
Your Name: Matthew Clevenger
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: clevenger7778@gmail.com
City/Country: Farmington, AR
What Unit Did You Serve With: My Grandfather Cecil Clevenger served with Co. G 407th Inf
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Saturday 06/06/2009 6:42:20pm
Your Name: Rebecca J. Nelson
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: sewfine1953@yahoo.com
City/Country: Kennewick, Washington USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My Dad served with the 102nd Field Artillery Bn. He enlisted at Fort Leavenworth Kansas.
When and Where Did You Serve: I believe he served in the Rhineland and Central Europe
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: His name was R.C. Nelson Jr. from Erie Kansas. He died in 1982.
Tell us something about your service:
Wednesday 06/03/2009 9:40:49pm
Your Name: Shelby Grant Harris
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: shelbygrantharris@yahoo.com
City/Country: Anniston, Al United States
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Trying to get Information on my Grandfather Henry Hughdon Grant , He was a Staff seargent 407th Company F. He is buried in Margraten National Cemetary in the Netherlands.
Friday 05/29/2009 12:43:03am
Your Name: Robert Stimpson
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: rstimpy@comcast.net
City/Country: Madison, Connecticut
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: My uncle: T/Corp. Henry Stimpson, served with the 102nd Div, 102 Reconnaissance Troop, in Germany. I believe he was wounded in he Battle of the Bulge. If anyone remembers him and or has any memories to share, I would love to hear them. Although my uncle never had children, my brother and I have kept him memory alive.
God bless you all!
Tell us something about your service:
Wednesday 05/27/2009 6:52:23pm
Your Name: Dore Groff
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: doregroff@yahoo.com
City/Country: Lancaster, PA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My uncle, Preston K. Funk, was a 2nd Lieutenant, 407th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Ozark Division, Company F, during WWII. He was killed on 4/11/45 in Germany.
When and Where Did You Serve: He served from 1942-1945.
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: If anyone remembers my uncle, Preston K. Funk, please email me and let me know your memories of him.
Monday 04/27/2009 2:20:17pm
Your Name: Brian Murphy
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: bjmurph1@gmail.com
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Hello !
My name is Brian Murphy. My dad's dearest friend, Robert E. "Midge" Kennedy died on Feb 23rd, 1945, planning the Ruhr River Crossing. He was 407, 102. Just wondering if any one here remembers him. I have many pictures of him.
Thanks much!
Sunday 04/19/2009 10:34:22am
Your Name: Lucienne Reh Pitcher
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: luciennepitcher@hotmail.com
City/Country: Radcliff, KY 40160-9711
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father S/S Charles L. Reh 36544302 was with 102 Infantry, 927 FA Bn "C". Most everyone on this web site is "B". Did anyone know Charlie? I have the general order Decision No. 1171 listing everyone who got the Croix de Guerre. Does anyone know why this unit got the highest medal France gives? There is nothing on the letter or certificate stating why. Letter is dated 30 Oct 1945.
When and Where Did You Serve: His military records were destroyed in the fire so I have nothing to show where in Germany his unit went. He had some awful nightmares that he carried until he died 1 Oct 1980, Hillsdale, MI
Have a few pictures with names on the back.
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: Would be glad to hear from anyone who knew my father. I live just outside the gates of Fort Knox in Kentucky.
Tell us something about your service:
Saturday 04/11/2009 12:22:55am
Your Name: Mike Constance
Your Homepage:
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father, Clarence Joseph Constance Sr
served WW II with the 102 Div 407 Reg CO C . He was better known as Frenchie or Connie. He spoke French and German.He died in 1974.
If you knew him or could help me locate anyone who did, please help. 864 270-2835
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Please help me. It's very important!!!!
Sunday 03/29/2009 4:33:42pm
Your Name: Donna Duty
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: donnaduty1017@yahoo.com
City/Country: Cary, North Carolina
What Unit Did You Serve With: I did not serve, but my father, Charles Everett Weeks was a Staff Sergeant who served in the 927th Field Artillery Battalion, Battery B of the 102nd Infantry Division during WWII
When and Where Did You Serve: He served from September 1942-December 1942 in the European Theatre
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: If anyone remembers serving with my father, Charles E. Weeks, Staff Sergeant with the 927 Field Artillery Battalion, Battery B of the 102 Infantry Division, please email me and let me know your memories of him.
Saturday 03/14/2009 5:28:58pm
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: mullinruth@yahoo.com
City/Country: rome new york
What Unit Did You Serve With: 405th company a 42120681
When and Where Did You Serve: camp swift germany 405th company a
Referred By: E-Mail
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: george was with captain cornor or hornor who was killed. when george was hit with schrapnel. he said the injury was to his neck therefore the medic removed his dog-tags.i received a notification he was missing in action. he said when the medic took him and others downstairs in what appeared to be an old school house. there were 3 german soldiers down in the basemant and one of them said get these men out of here it is going to be blown up. there was an american gi who understood some german. george said they put him and other gis injured on stretchers and took off. he ended up in an hospital in belguim and from there he was sent to manchester england.
Tell us something about your service: george was a very private person. he related funny things as for instance he was sent on a mission with a message and they gave him a cook to go with him. he said because they thought a large number of germans were not to far away and it being dark he and the cook laid all night on their stomachs and when dawn came up he said it was a fence. the cook told george i'll call you don't call me from now on.
george received the purple heart and the bronze star
Comments/Suggestions: related by his wife as george passed away 20 march 2004. he was a person who loved his country. i asked if he would enlist again and he said in a heart beat. his biggest fear was water and when they crossed in boats he said he thought he was doomed as he could not swim.
if this is any use to the stories of the ozarks george would be happy.
Tuesday 01/27/2009 10:09:04am
Your Name: Charles Dea Vordick
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: deavour94@yahoo.com
City/Country: San Angelo TX
What Unit Did You Serve With: My grandfather served Co. G,406th Regiment,102nd Infantry Divison
When and Where Did You Serve: European African Middle Eastern Theater
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: He told me only few stories He carried a bazooka and during an engagement thought a tank would be the best cover and quickly found out it drew the most fire.He also said he came close to becoming a prisoner of war 2 German soldiers were chasing him one dove for him and barley missed him. He said he kept running until suppressive fire made them back off.
Tell us something about your service: He received a bronze star, and a certificate of merit which reads:For meritorious conduct in action against the enemy in Germany on 10 April 1945. Private Charles C. Williams was a member of a rifle platoon which attacked a superior enemy force with such fury that although greatly outnumbered the platoon killed fifteen of the enemy and captured fifty prisoners. The courage and aggressiveness of Private Charles C. Williams reflect great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered military service from Texas.
Sunday 01/18/2009 12:40:23am
Your Name: bob bilyk
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: bjbilyk@yahoo.com
City/Country: kent ohio
What Unit Did You Serve With: my dad was in the 405 reg 102 infantry div
When and Where Did You Serve: i dont know i was looking for info on him
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Saturday 01/03/2009 4:01:27pm
Your Name: Maj. Jerry Oberg USMC (ret)
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: ch53e@charter.net
City/Country: Hermann, Missouri
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Signing for my father PFC Oliver A. Oberg of L Co. 406th Inf who won the Silver Star at Apweiler on 19 Nov 1944. Dad passed away on 10 Dec 1992. Never talked much about the war.
Saturday 12/27/2008 4:08:57pm
Your Name: Tom Allen
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: falcon1.ret@gmail.com
City/Country: Walpole, MA
What Unit Did You Serve With: Decendent of 407th Inf Reg member, Richard Mathey
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Thanks for putting this together
Wednesday 12/10/2008 0:54:38am
Your Name: Ralph E. Keith
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: pbkeith@charter.net
City/Country: Sunrise Beach/USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: 102nd Infantry Division
405th Infantry Company E
When and Where Did You Serve: 1/29/44 - 10/25/45
Under General Patton when he crossed the Rhine
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I am looking for anyone that would have known Ralph E. Keith, PVT. He came home on the SS Hood Victory from LeHavre France on October 7, 1945
Saturday 11/22/2008 4:00:44pm
Your Name: Ronald Breault
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: ronbreault57@msn.com
City/Country: Providence, RI
What Unit Did You Serve With: 407th reg. 102nd Div
When and Where Did You Serve: Looking for any information about my late uncle, PFC Arthur Breault, KIA 12-02-44
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Thank you for contributions!
Wednesday 11/12/2008 11:43:40am
Your Name: Paul Rentz
Your Homepage: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ozarks-102nd/
E-Mail: prentz2@comcast.net
City/Country: Corvallis, OR
What Unit Did You Serve With: 102nd MPs (My Father, Clifford Rentz)
When and Where Did You Serve: Enlisted in 1943 and spent most of the time in Texas. Left New York Sept. 12, 1944 on the ship John Erickson, arrived in Port Cherbrough, France Sept 24, 1944. Returned Feb. 1, 1946 after leaving LeHarve, France Jan.21, 1946. He traveled most of the route of the 102nd as told in the book.
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: My father's story will be mostly shared in photos at http://www.flickr.com/groups/ozarks-102nd/
Tell us something about your service: As an MP my dad often was around during times that Generals, entertainers and others were around. He said that he saw Patten, Keating, Monty, Eisenhower but that only Eisenhower told the men to be 'at ease' during his visit.
Comments/Suggestions: Thanks for ALL your work bringing those who served and the family and friends of those who served in the 102nd together!!
Wednesday 11/05/2008 2:28:58pm
Your Name: Robert Clayton
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: clayton21467@bellsouth.net
City/Country: Atlanta/US
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father was in the 405th INF. RGT, 102nd, Div. I company. He has passed away.
When and Where Did You Serve: He was in around Eggenfelden, around August 1945. My father walked guard around the Battalion CP, in Krefeld, Germany.
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: A lot of this information was taken from articles in a news paper called The Battle Star. Printed on August 1, 1945. My father kept this paper for years and then passed it to me.
Tell us something about your service:
Thursday 10/02/2008 2:53:51pm
Your Name: Bruce Fig
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: brucefig@hotmail.com
City/Country: Laura, OH
What Unit Did You Serve With: My Uncle Ralph Figliuzzo, KIA 20 Nov. 1944 was in C Company 406th Inf. Reg.102nd Inf. Div.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I have talked to a great many surviving members and have the story of my uncle's death. I am searching for his squad leader, Henry Metzger from the NY area at that time. He was transfered out of the 406th after the war and dropped off the face of the earth. He is the last person I need to speak to.
Tell us something about your service:
Tuesday 09/02/2008 11:32:26am
Your Name: mike rowinski
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: mikerowinski@comcast.net
City/Country: scranton PA
What Unit Did You Serve With: Father, Mike Rowinski from Scranton was a master Sergeant with the 405. Anyone who knew him, please contact me at the above email address. Thanks
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Tuesday 07/29/2008 3:23:45pm
Your Name: Michael Rowinski
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: mikerowinski@comcast.net
City/Country: media, PA 19063
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father, Mike Rowinski, from Scranton, PA served with the 102nd, 405th regiment as a Master Sergeant. I have little or no information about him since he died suddenly of a bee sting when I was 5. Any information about him, especially from those who knew him, would be appreciated.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Wednesday 06/18/2008 9:08:33am
Your Name: Martin D. Angell, Jr.
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: martin.d.angell@us.army.mil
City/Country: Cloquet, MN, USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: US Navy Submarines and Special Warfare SOCOM
When and Where Did You Serve: 60's, 80's & 90's.
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: My dad was an Ozark. He landed at France as a private and 2 months later was a first seargent. He came back home in 1945 with CIB, Silver Star, Bronze star and Cour de guerre from france. When I wrote to find out how he won his medals I received a letter saying his records were lost in a fire (I think 1959) Can anyone help me find out how my dad got his decorations?
Tell us something about your service: 60's submarines. Still classified. 80's and 90's US Navy. Retired 1999 from Special Boat Unit 26 in Panama.
Monday 06/09/2008 10:59:51am
Your Name: Gerard Urka
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: gfu722@Yahoo.com
City/Country: Jackson, Ca
What Unit Did You Serve With: 102nd Infantry
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I am doing some research on the 102nd, which my Dad (F. Urka) served in Europe. He just turned 82 this May, And we have never discussed his service in WWII and I would like to learn more about his and all of the other HERO's experiences in Europe.
Monday 04/28/2008 0:03:16am
Your Name: Jimmy Howell
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: jlanee@aol.com
City/Country: hendersonville Tn
What Unit Did You Serve With: I did not serve in WW2
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I recently purchased a German flag marked 406th infantry company M 102nd Division with many signatures..would love to see if any of these guys are available to speak to..
Sunday 04/06/2008 6:46:25pm
Your Name: Shanon Burtcher
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: burtchers@bak.rr.com
City/Country: Bakersfield, CA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My grandpa, Jesse C Smith
Co F, 405th Regiment 102nd Infantry Division
When and Where Did You Serve: Crossed Roer River, Injured in Germany before that
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I have several pictures that he mailed with his inscriptions on the reverse. He told us his is the soldier in the Life magazine. We have a copy, and other pictures from that week.
Tell us something about your service: My grandpa passed away in 1990.
Comments/Suggestions: You may contact me and I can email pictures. Also ones of him and buddies.
Friday 01/18/2008 6:01:22pm
Your Name: Robert L. T. Roper
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: robroper@bellsouth.net
City/Country: Marietta, GA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father, Richard F. Roper (deceased), served with the 405th Regiment, 102nd Division.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: We have an engraved silver plate with the inscription:
"Palenburg bei Aachen"
"405th Inf."
"October 1944"
If anyone can provide information about the significance of this memento, I and his grandsons would be greatly appreciative.
Tell us something about your service:
Monday 03/31/2008 6:04:32pm
Your Name: Arthur L. Roth
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: roth2000@sbcglobal.net
City/Country: San Francisco, CA, USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: Co. K, 407th Infantry, 102nd Div, US Army
Later with Hqrs Co, 407th Inf, 102nd Div
When and Where Did You Serve: US Army -- Inducted 16 Jun 43, Ft. Dix, NJ
Discharged 24 Mar 46, Camp Beale, CA
Basic training -- North Camp Hood, TX
ASTP, Purdue Univ, Sep 43-Mar 44
Joined Co K, 407th Inf, Mar 44
Europe 12 Sep 44-5 Mar 46
Campaigns -Rhineland, Central Europe
Referred By: Friend
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: Yes
Tell us something about your service: Recently a friend led me to the website for my outfit in combat, Co. K, 407th Inf, 102nd Ozark Div. A couple of my old comrades put together on that website an account of our experience -- wonderful to read and remember the men who were with us. Most of the account reads corrrectly but much about me is incorrect and I'd like to weigh in here for the record -- although at this stage of the game I don't expect anyone will ever read what I'm writing.
It's now 31 mar 2008, almost 63 years after our division first landed in Cherbourg. I am now 83 and of sound mind and body, thank God. We disembarked at Cherbourg. Most of France had been liberated and the nazis were drawing back to the borders of Germany which they were prepared to defend to the end. Our 407th joined the front line at the German-Dutch border near the town of Teveren as the website account relates. I shared a foxhole with my buddy Fred Woelkers of Michigan. Nearby was our third buddy Art Van Atta of Ohio. All of us had been pals at Purdue Univ where the Army had sent us as part of the ASTP Program. I took part in both nighttime patrols -- one recon and one combat -- which are described in the website. I remember the combat patrol vividly when a supply mistake had us issued phosphoresce grenades instead of the regular explosive kind. That patrol's objective was to capture and bring back an enemy soldier who could be interrogated, but we were foiled when a mystery signal flare went off prematurely and we came under intense fire very close to the enemy line. Our comrade Al Mansour was hit. As we fell back Art Van Atta and I half pulled, half carried Mansour with us. It was a close call but we suffered no other casualties that night. Strangely, our mission was accomplished inadvertently but not by us -- an enemy deserter walked into our lines and very close to our patrol, although we didn't know what that strange moving shape was. I also took part in the attack on the fortified town of Welz a few days later. Another platoon member named Lahti and I were designated a bazooka team -- I carried the two pipe parts of the dismantled bazooka and Lahti, the three shells in a sling. The attack across that wild field began at dawn and was hellish as our whole outfit was pinned down for a time by incessant shell fire. Nonetheless we rose and ran on, eventually reaching the bluff overlooking the Roer River. In the early part of the attack Fred Woelkers was hit at my side and I ran to him to see what I could do. But Cpl. Sergio Francolini shouted, "I've got him. Roth. Keep going." I did so but was sure from the look of it that Fred was killed. It was only now in reading the website account that I learned he survived. It is a gift of God, as they say. How I wish I'd known as I would long since have been in touch with Fred. The attack had taken a terrible toll -- Ronnie Hurley, Joe Amore, and Sgt. Radice all killed, my close friend Art Van Atta wounded (at first I thought he was killed) and many others as indicated in the web text. I mourned for them, I don't mind saying. I was caught in the intense German artillery barrage (described in the web account) when we were pinned in our foxholes. Somehow I was paired with Dewey Smith (from Mississippi, I believe.) As the shells were landing all around our hole, the ground shook and our ears seemed to burst. At one point Dewey flipped and began to get up -- "Got to get to the CP," he kept repeating. I yelled at him, "Dewey, don't leave here -- you'll get killed." Dewey was a big man and I tried to sit on him but he tossed me off like a matchstick and jumped out of the foxhole. I assumed he was killed and only from reading the web text do I surmise that he somehow made it -- a miracle if so. A few days later when things calmed down, I remember descending the steps of our little cellar shelter for some hot coffee-- must have been in Welz. Apparently, I began to pass out and was helped by others. Weird, as my extremities -- feet and hands began to tingle and became numb. My hands and ankles actually turned back on themselves as in paralysis. Very scary. I don't remember much except that I was placed in a truck and deposited in regimental headquarters just behind the line. Somebody later told me I kept testing my hands and ankles which had "unlocked" but were tingling. In the text I am described as "the last casualty" but no purple heart. Today we know this kind of reaction as PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.) I should interject here that it is a condition which followed me into civilian life. A couple of times I've quite suddenly passed out and had a ride to the hospital where they assumed I'd had a heart attack -- no way. A few years ago in D.C. when I had this seizure I was brought to Geo Washington Univ Hospital where I was diagnosed with a vasovagal nerve (I kid you not, it's in the neck!) contraction around the carotid artery which stops the flow of blood to the brain.) Anyway, who knew then? I was somewhat warily kept at Hqrs. Co. and reassigned to finish out combat with them. One other memory. On the night before our attack across the Roer River (Feb 1945?) I was on guard at our command post in a house above the riverbank.
Gen. "Monty" Montgomery and General Frank Keating (our division commander) actually visited our post to take a look. The great Monty swept by
us without a word and left a few minutes later.
A couple of corrections to the website text. It says that Art Roth had night blindness and couldn't make his way in the dark -- no way. I don't know who they're talking about. I've never had night blindness -- else how on earth could I have operated on those two patrols? I did wear eyeglasses which gave me problems from steaming up or from rain -- but never any kind of night blindness. One other correction of which I'm pretty sure -- Al Mansour, our comrade who was wounded on combat patrol (already described above) was not a replacement but rather came over with us to Europe and was part of Company K all along. After combat we spent a few months in Coburg. Then the Army sent me to school in England, then back to Germany and home to Ft. Dix in March. Finally discharged in California. My mother's first words (I hadn't seen her or my dad in a couple of years) were, "What's happened to you. You're SO skinny!" Art Van Atta and I kept in touch by letter all our lives until he died in a rest home in Ohio a few years ago. One night in our foxhole we had pledged to each other that if one of us was killed, the surviving one would visit his mother and try to comfort. Our mothers were pen pals, too, during the time we were in Europe until Mrs. Van Atta died. I should say that among many brave men in the 407th, "Van" (that is, Art Van Atta) will always be remembered by me as an outstanding soldier, a real hero. I cherish my bronze star but most of all I cherish the memory of all my comrades -- killed, wounded, and surviving.
Comments/Suggestions: I hope the above text can be placed with that of the existing 407th Infantry one.
Sunday 02/03/2008 1:50:35pm
Your Name: mullingeorge e.
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: mullinruth@yahoo.com
City/Country: rome ,ny
What Unit Did You Serve With:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service: GEORGE WAS STATIONED AT CAMP SWIFT TX
Saturday 01/26/2008 11:38:36pm
Your Name: Amy Rocky
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: rockyamy@gmail.com
City/Country: Detroit, Michigan
What Unit Did You Serve With: My Father served with the 102nd Ozarks.
When and Where Did You Serve: WWII
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: The Story "The Surrender" on this site mentions my Father, Archie Noorian. Thank-you.
Tell us something about your service: Archie Noorian -- 02-05-1922 to 03-30-2004
Friday 01/18/2008 6:01:22pm
Your Name: Robert L. T. Roper
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: robroper@bellsouth.net
City/Country: Marietta, GA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father, Richard F. Roper (deceased), served with the 405th Regiment, 102nd Division.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: We have an engraved silver plate with the inscription:
"Palenburg bei Aachen"
"405th Inf."
"October 1944"
If anyone can provide information about the significance of this memento, I and his grandsons would be greatly appreciative.
Tell us something about your service:
Monday 01/14/2008 3:14:14pm
Your Name: Jarno Derix
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: trickymartini@hotmail.com
City/Country: Netherlands
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I've adopted a grave on the American war cemetery in Margraten, Netherlands.
The soldiers name is 1st LT Leonard S Ring, born in NY and served at the 407th inf. 102nd div. I would like to know more about him, was he married, his family... Any information about him is more than welcome.
Wednesday 12/26/2007 7:05:31am
Your Name: Vivian de Corti-Tromp
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: viviantromp@hotmail.com
City/Country: The Netherlands
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: We've adopted the grave of S Sgt. Robert H. Mahan, 18113328 who served at the 405 Inf. 102 Div. and is buried in Margraten, The Netherlands. We are looking to contact next of kin, probably living in Arkansas. Any kind of information is more than welcome. Thank you!
Friday 10/19/2007 7:02:58am
Your Name: Doug Dubin
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: dsdubin@gmail.com
City/Country: Ann Arbor, MI/USA
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Just wanted to thank you for publishing my Uncle's diary here. He was Eugene Greenburg (Co. F., 405th, 102nd Division) and he passed away this Wednesday morning. He was proud to serve his country in World War II and was a sweet and gentle man. Thanks again.
Sunday 10/07/2007 8:34:24pm
Your Name: David Sherman
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: tankusa@yahoo.com
City/Country: Mt Kisco NY
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father served with the 102nd division in Germany, His name was John Sherman and I would like to find out more about his service. He passed away in 1972 the year I got married. and finally I remembered his patch colors and looked it uo so if anyone can help me I would appreciate it
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Friday 08/24/2007 7:14:14pm
Your Name: Marcus S. Gatlin
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: gatlinms@verizon.net
City/Country: Newport News, VA.
What Unit Did You Serve With: I am signing this guestbook in memory of my father, Col. Isaac Albert Gatlin, 2nd Battalion Commander 1944 and 1945.
When and Where Did You Serve: Served from time division was activated at Camp Maxey in 1942 till its deactivation in 1946. Spent two years with Constabulary Units in Germany. Retired 1959 from FT.Chaffee, AR as Colonel, USAR. Col. Gatlin passed away in 1961 at Newport, AR. and is buried in FT. Smith National Cemetery.
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: No Story at this time
Tell us something about your service: I am a retired Chief Petty Officer of the US Navy. A veteran on the Vietnam War.
Comments/Suggestions: Any comments about my father would be appreciated.
Friday 08/03/2007 1:55:10am
Your Name: Natalie Mann
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: Naberlieberna@hotmail
What Unit Did You Serve With: 102nd div., Ozarks
When and Where Did You Serve: Germany, WWII
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I am the grandaughter-in-law of Leason Kington. He has died and taken all but one brief story with him about his service during WWII. I am desperately looking for infomation about him, specific or general. He has left a posterity of grand and greatgrandson who would love to know him better.
Sunday 07/29/2007 11:23:45am
Your Name: Luuk Beetstra
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: luukbeetstra@hotmail.com
City/Country: The Netherlands
What Unit Did You Serve With: 406-B
When and Where Did You Serve: He had serviced the U.S. Army, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I am looking for some addititional information of KOSTRZEWSKI WALTER S.
He is buried on the American Cemetery in Margraten (plot M-row 21-grave 17), The Netherlands.
Tell us something about your service: he died on February 4th 1945, his ID number is 12134035.
He had serviced the U.S. Army, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division. One of his award is the purple heart and he was a sergeant
Comments/Suggestions: please send me an e-mail if you have some more information about KOSTRZEWSKI WALTER S.
Thursday 07/19/2007 11:53:12am
Your Name: Stephen Reynolds
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: emerline@comcast.net
City/Country: Bordentown, NJ USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: 102nd, 927th FA, Battery B
When and Where Did You Serve: 194?-1946
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: Researching my father in-law's service. His name was Stephen Adam, and he was in the the 927th Field Artillery, Battery B from around 194?-1946. I have a number of photos he took during his service, some of which have names on them: Grove, Maniamio, Nemeth, Gerfulino, Swain, Herara, Clark, Cano, Vilko, Baranowski, Tofel, Mininni, Myers, Guthrie, Edmund, Quinn, Goldorg, Baynes.
Interested in any information on the 927th (especially battery B) or anyone who may have known my father in-law.
Thanks to all!
Wednesday 07/18/2007 1:15:26am
Your Name: Jean Louis Vijgen
Your Homepage: http://www.soldiersoffreedom.nl
E-Mail: jvijgen@home.nl
City/Country: Heerlen, the Neterlands (Holland)
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: If anybody remembers Pfc Theodore Karwoski 405th kia 24/02/45, i'm looking for information about him for the people who adopted his grave at the American War Cemetery at Margraten Holland.
Thanks Jean
Tuesday 07/17/2007 9:36:10am
Your Name: Bill Hogan
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: hoganbill1@msn.com
City/Country: Maryland Heights, Missouri
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father, PFC Richard C. "Dick" Hogan, served with I Company, 407th Inf, 102d Inf Div until he was wounded sometime around Thanksgiving 1944.
When and Where Did You Serve: My father mentioned being in the vicinity of Aachen, Germany and that he had served as a platoon runner. He was older (27) than most of the other troops.
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I will be at the reunion this year and would like to talk to anyone who remembers my father.
Wednesday 07/11/2007 9:53:44am
Your Name: Peter Zeitler
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: petetime@ccaonline.com
City/Country: Illinois
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father, Walter M. "Mart" Smith served in the 102nd around Munchberg, Germany during WWII. I am looking to find out more about him, I do not know his service number or unit other than that he served in the "Ozark" Division by the patch he has on his uniform, I do have a picture of him from around 1945. He and my godfather, Frank Barnes, were in the same area during WWII, I know they were both in the Infantry, but that is all I know. Anybody that either heard of him or knew him, please contact me, I really would like to find out about him. Thanks.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: My dad was around Waldsassen, Bavaria during the War, stationed out of Munchberg by Hof. I was born to a Germany woman and never knew my father other than by his picture and his name, which I am not 100% sure of either, any help will be appreciated.
Wednesday 06/27/2007 0:05:17am
Your Name: James Gordon Emerich
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: humminghobo@cs.com
City/Country: Flower Mound, Texas 75028
What Unit Did You Serve With: My Father, John "Rip" Emerich, was the historian for the 102nd Infantry Division. I was his reference library and my mother, Hope Emerich, edited the "Ozark Notes". I am in Austin, Texas researching Fort Swift in Bastrop.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Friend
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I am collecting others stories for the 102nd Infantry Division...for the sake of their memomry. God bless the 102nd!
See you all in St. Louis for the last reunion!!!
Jim Emerich
Tuesday 05/29/2007 7:17:19am
Your Name: Nicole Teeken
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: joepteeken@orange.nl
City/Country: Kerkrade, The Netherlands
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: We live in Kerkrade, The Netherlands and we recently adopted the grave of PFC Donald E. Schulte, who is buried at the Netherlands American Cemetery in Margraten. This is all the information I have on him:
Name: Schulte, Donald E.
Rank: PFC
Serial number: 37666476
548th AAA AW BN
Died: February 25th 1945
State: IOWA
Reward: Purple Heart
Is there anyone who can tell the story of this soldier? Maybe there are even some relatives who would like to come in contact with me? Any information would be helpfull!
Sunday 05/27/2007 9:12:36pm
Your Name: Karen J. Diefendorf
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: kdiefendorf@hotmail.com
City/Country: Lincoln, Illinois
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father-in-law, Frank Diefendorf, Jr, served in Co. G, 407th/102nd Infantry Division
When and Where Did You Serve: 20 Feb 43-16 Mar 46
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I'd like to find out if anyone still living would remember my father-in-law. He was a buglar and a projectionist (I guess as special duty). I believe he also served as a photographer for a General (I don't know who).
Friday 05/18/2007 9:22:15pm
Your Name: Ed Gleason
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: edgleason1@comcast.net
City/Country: San francisco usa 94118
What Unit Did You Serve With: My Brother-in law KIA on 11 30 44 1st Lt James Gabriel Co M 407th 102ID attack on Welx was he CO of weapons Co?
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: E-Mail
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I just found in my deceased sister's effects a letter James wrote 11-27-44 3 days before he died,caused me to reseach his unit.
thanks for what you do
Tell us something about your service:
Saturday 05/05/2007 6:16:50pm
Your Name: Mary Gonzales
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: ltlkoala@hotmail.com
City/Country: Albuquerque/USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division
When and Where Did You Serve: KIA 23 November 44
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Looking for information on my uncle Alejandro Gonzales, who served in the 405th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division. He was KIA 23 Nov 44. His name is mentioned in Joel Stenson's letter. I don't know very much about my uncle, but have always felt a very strong connection to him, even though he died way before I was born. My son looks very much like him in his official Army photo, and he wasn't born until 37 years after he was KIA. He is buried at Margraten Cemetery in the Netherlands.
Friday 04/13/2007 11:58:30am
Your Name: Earl Hutchins
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: ehutchins20@hotmail.com
City/Country: Highland, California
What Unit Did You Serve With: 407th Infantry I Company
When and Where Did You Serve: April, 1944 - Oct, 1945
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Monday 04/09/2007 5:15:28pm
Your Name: Donald Welsch
Your Homepage: http://None
E-Mail: donmjh@yahoo.com
City/Country: Scranton, PA
What Unit Did You Serve With: 406th Regiment, G Co., 3rd Platoon
When and Where Did You Serve: Basic training in Fort McClelland, AL. Shipped to ETO from Camp Kilmer, NJ
November 44 to April 46 in Germany
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I was hurt in Linnich while digging a listening post on the hill behind the town near where a Jewish mosque was destroyed on "KristelNacht". Jerry was throwing 88's at the church steeple behind us and right over our heads.
Tell us something about your service: The best part of my Army career was playing in the 406th Jazz Band after the war based in Hof where we played for shows and dances.
Sunday 04/08/2007 3:23:28pm
Your Name: Charles L. Mulford
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: chucknjan@msn.com
City/Country: Green Valley / USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: Father, Charles (Chuck) T. Mulford, served with 102nd, 405th, Co F.
When and Where Did You Serve: Father served in the African and European theaters.
Referred By: ust Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
From: sealgtg@aol.com
Date: January 21, 2007 1:18:04 PM CST
Subject: CO. C 407TH INF 102ND DIV
My father served during WW II with Co. C 407th INF 102nd DIV. Since he died in 1964 when I was 14, I don't know much about his service. I was hoping you could help me learn more about him or help me locate someone who may have known him. He is Clarence Joseph Constance Sr, was born 12-3-20 and most people called him Connie or Frenchie, because he spoke French and German and was from New Orleans. He was about 5 ft 6 inches and 175lbs, small but very strong. I believe he was a BAR man.
I found your web site by accident looking for information on my Dad's service.
Please help me if you can. This is very important to me!! This may be my last chance to find out about him and I loved him very much. I checked with the VA, but his records were disstroyed in a fire. Thanks!!!!
C. (Mike) M. Constance 159 Looper Rd. Easley, S.C. 29640 865- 855-6935
Monday 01/08/2007 8:38:02pm
Your Name: Charles Jennings
E-Mail: ejennings747@hotmail.com
City/Country: Aurora, IL
What Unit Did You Serve With: I noticed my father's name on your "Men of Fox Company" page. He is listed in the "J surname list" as "Jennings." He is mentioned in a letter. His first name is Robert. He was from Chicago, IL. He served as a Scout and an MP during his duty.
When and Where Did You Serve: He served from 8/1943 to 3/1946.
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I have just started researching my father's time as soldier. He died in 1983, and I just discovered some old photos of him in Germany during the war (His picture is on the 102ndOzark.com website). I am on an information gathering hunt and would be glad to pass on anything I find.
Tuesday 12/26/2006 12:08:01am
Your Name: Michael Pustulka, son
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: porko_61@hotmail.com
City/Country: Wyandotte,MI usa
What Unit Did You Serve With: OZARKS-army
When and Where Did You Serve: 1940-45
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I would just like to know some things about my father and his co, his grandson is in the MARINES and soon will be going to iraq.
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: any help or information would be appreciated. his name was Thomas A. Pustulka
Tuesday 12/26/2006 11:49:53am
Your Name: Bob Miller
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: ramiller500@aol.com
City/Country: Indianapolis, IN
What Unit Did You Serve With: see Comments/Suggestions
Inquiring about my father's unit, the 701st Tank Battalion.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: My father, Royal D. Miller (Staten Island, NY), served with the 701st Tank Battalion, which trained on top secret CDL-equipped tanks in the US and Wales and later supported the 102nd Infantry Division (Ozark) in 1944-1945.
Any info on the 701st Tank Battalion and its personnel and operations would be welcome! Thanks!
Thursday 11/16/2006 8:57:54pm
Your Name: Jock Fender III
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: bnbblanco@aol.com
City/Country: Easley, SC. USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My Grandfather served with Co. L 406th Infantry. His name was Jock J. Fender and he enlisted at the same time with his brother. Because he died when I was only five, I can only remember a few things about him, the biggest of which were the scars on his face, back and arms from multiple gunshot wounds leaving his left arm paralyzed. His brother was beside him when this happened and was killed in action. His discharge sheet states that he recieved these wounds Feb. 23 1945 during the European theatre. My grandmother used to tell me that sometimes when times would get tough that he would say "I guess nothing could be so bad than having to cross that river again." Since I always jump at a chance to find out more about him I was wondering if there was anyone who knew him or served with him that could tell me a little more about him. He was a good man. Thank you so much, Jock Fender III. You can even call me, (864)313-9991
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Monday 05/29/2006 4:28:48pm
Your Name: Kim Heemels
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: kimheemels@hotmail.com
City/Country: The Netherlands
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Hello, I am Kim Heemels, 27 years old and living in The Netherlands. At the American Military Cemetery in Margraten (the Netherlands) I adopted a grave of an American soldier.
Hereby I want to ask you if you maybe can help me to gather more information about HITES BENNETT D JR, SGT. nr. 37474039, 405 INF 102 DIV, from the State Nebraska, died 28 Feb. 1945.
I really hope and appreciate to receive an answer if somebody has information about Bennett Hites whose grave I take care of.
Thank you,
with Kind Regards,
Kim Heemels
Date: 21 February 2006
E-mail: retirdstumpjumper@yahoo.com
Unit: I was not a member of the 102nd but my brother was & I am trying to find out how he died he was Platoon Sgt. ROY D. HUFFMAN He was in company K I think it was the 406th but it could have been the 407th he was killed on the 18th Nov. 1944 he is buried in Margaton Holland cemetery I would appreceate anything you can tell me about his death. 1st. sgt. EARL D. Huffman retired
How Located: By serching things in the computor & I am enterested in how he died he was my brother.
Date: Sunday, 19 Feb 2006 22:45:46 -0500
Name: Kemis Massey
E-mail: sobbygenealogy@knology.net
Unit: AT Co - 407th Inf.
Address on envelope:
PFC William B. Evans 34354719
AT. Co. - 407th Inf - APO 102
c/o Postmaster New York, N.Y.
How Located: Previously, I received an email from a genealogy list, I belong to. Tonight I searched for the Unit my Uncle was end and found your site again.
Story: As I am searching for my roots and have ask my mother and her sisters about their oldest brother, William B. Evans. I've sent an email to the National Personnel Records Center in an effort to find out exactly how Uncle William died. All the family has is the courtesy telegram telling them that he was killed in action, November 12, 1944.
Today my mother gave me some pictures from one of her older sisters. In the picture was a letter to my aunt from my uncle. The address obviously came from the envlope. The letter was dated Nov 11, 1944 (the day before he was killed) under which was written "Some where in Germany."
We know that his body was buried in Holland until 1948. At that time he was returned to Georgia and buried besides his father. Because there was a fire where the records (July 12, 1943) there's not much more anyone can add.
Photograph: I have a photograph of Uncle William, if you want to print anything about him.
Monday, 08/22/2005 14:45:13 - 0500
Your Name: Barb Henry
E-Mail: punkin03@centurytel.net
City/Country: USA
What Unit Did You Serve With:
Can You Help? Seeking Information on John S. Scott, 407th Inf. Reg., 102nd Division
When and Where Did You Serve:
German Theater
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Hi. There was a Staff/Sargeant John S. Scott who is buried at the Ardennes American Cemetery from the 407th Inf. Reg 102nd Inf. Div died 26 Dec 44. I'm looking for my father and his age alone could help verify if this is him or not.
Also was the 102nd/407th stationed at Ashchurch Camp in England near Worcester from June 1944 for approx. 4 months?
Can you tell me if S/Sgt John S. Scott was with the tank part of the division? My Aunt told me was at Tobruk but she may have misunderstood and he was at Tobruk before he came to England.
There are medical reasons that have gone to my children and grandchildren and I would like to find his family if possible.
I would appreciate any help you can give me.
Thank you. Barb Henry
Sunday 06/26/2005 1:08:19amYour Name: Val Keith Parkin
E-Mail: parkinlot@cox.net
City/Country: Laguna Niguel, CA, USA
What Unit Did You Serve With:
Son of Keith O Parkin, Company C, 407th regiment
When and Where Did You Serve:
German Theater, crossed the Rhine, Roer, and Elbe
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
My father's love story is already included. I am currently watching with amazement as another story of my father's courage and fortitude is being unveiled before my eyes. In this story he fights an opponent far different than the Germans. This time it is a fight for his own lifie and the enemy is within his own body as every single system is attacked and most fail. Multiple infections complicate matters exponentially, Two years and 6 hospials later, to the amazement of family, friends and doctors, he is emerging once again as a brave, and valiant example to us all.....and most definately has reinforced his position as my hero.
I am sitting here in tears, both of appreciation and sorrow as I am finally able to catch even a glimpse of the challenges that my father and these other great men faced.
Saturday 05/28/2005 3:31:18pm
Your Name: Michael Ladd
E-Mail: Ladd681@msn.com
City/Country: MaryLand
What Unit Did You Serve With:
Looking for people who knew any of the guys from HQ Company, 3rd Battalion, 406th Inf Reg, 102nd Inf Div.
When and Where Did You Serve: Service was in Germany during WWII.
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Nicholas Mastracchio, Battery B., 927th FAB, 102nd Division
Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:07:31 +0200
I am helping a friend to locate veterans that know more about her dad and am trying to find out some more info about him for her. Her dad passed away a few years ago. Now afterwards she regrets that she didnt ask her dad about his WWII experiences. Hopefully you can help.
NAME: Nicholas Mastracchio
ACTIVITY DURING WWII: 102nd Division, 927 Field Artillery, Battery B
ARMY TIME: European theater, 1942-1946.
BRONZE STAR: Received for heroic action on 25 February 1945 in Germany
In case you know someone who knew Nicholas Mastracchio, I hereby want to ask you if you maybe can help me to gather more information or give me the address of the vets that served in the same battery. She is one of my best friends and helped me also often in my searches.
I am thanking you in advance and look forward to your reply.
have a nice day!!
With kind regards,
Rick Mommers <rickmommers@msn.com>
Wednesday 04/27/2005 11:22:37am
My name is Rick Mommers, I am 18 years old and living in The Netherlands. At the American Military Cemetery in the town called Margraten (the Netherlands) I adopted 4 graves of American soldiers. They were fighting for our freedom during the Second World War.
In case you knew Julius S. Hass, I hereby want to ask you if you maybe can help me to gather more information about the soldier whom grave I adopted. I am pointing on information like; how did he look like, where he lived, if he had family, how he spent his youth, at what base he had his education, what kind of division he was serving, where he was fighting, if he had medailles and how he was as soldier and as person and so on.
I really hope and appreciate to receive an answer on this letter. I was searching on Internet and hoped to find some information about him, but unfortunately without any results. It would be nice to know more about the person whose grave I take care of and lay flowers.
Hass, Julius S Pfc
102 Div. 407 Inf. F (and A) Co.
Religion: Prot.
Nebraska (Arlington)
asn: 37478998
Date of birth: 17 May 1924
Date of entry on current active service: 23 April 1943
Examining date: 30 January 1945
Died: 24 February 1945, vic of Glimbach, Ruhr area (Germany)
I have one letter from him with this on the cover:
Pvt. Julius S. Hass
Company "A". Barracks. "J"
2510 Service Unit (A.S.T)
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland
Dated: 19 February 1944
He is also together on one picture with a soldier named Eldon Raleigh of Oklahoma.
Buried: Margraten, The Netherlands
Grave: Plot G Row 10 Grave 3
When and Where Did You Serve:
I received a while ago a letter from a vet that fought in the 102nd, but didnt know PFC Hass. he gave me the names of the soldiers that probably knew PFC Hass. I tried to mail them but without luck. all the adresses werent right. If you know one of the following soldiers and their address please let me know:
Allbright, James E PVT
Boyd, herman E PFC
Branch, William M PVT
Brasher, Benjamin C PFC
Brewer, Harry T PFC
Brooks, William C Jr PVT
Buettner, Emil F PFC
Carter, Keith C PFC
Crawford, Charles K PFC
Curtis, Howard J Jr PFC
Dokes, Riley L PFC
Elvecrog, Fay L PFC
Ford, Robert W PFC
Fogarty, Reuben F PVT
Franklin, Don W PFC
Gardner, James R PFC
Garrard, Floyd M T/5
Gemperlein, John L Jr S/SGT
Glenn, Charlie C PVT
Goin, John E PVT
Hall, Forrest D S/SGT
Harris, John D PVT
Hepburn, Samuel J PVT
Hillhouse, Gordon E SGT
Humphreys, Henry E PVT
Hunter, William H S/SGT
LaBrosse, Felix J PVT
Lanier, Loren R SGT
Lord, Herman R S/SGT
Sunday 03/13/2005 11:23:08am
Your Name: Sheila
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: ORZAK@aol.com
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I was a very little girl (three years old) in Philadelphia during the transportation strike. My father was one of the motormen on the trollies. I remember the soldiers sitting on the trollies with their rifles. My mother told me that people were giving them food. I was very impressed with the entire episode. I want to take this opportunity to thank the veterans for fighting for us so I could live my life in this wonderful country.
Monday 03/07/2005 10:55:43pm
Your Name: John David Rogers (Knox)
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: jrogers@peoplepc.com
City/Country: La Grange, Tennessee
What Unit Did You Serve With: My Father/stepfather served in company c 327th medical battalion 407th infantry regiment, 102nd infantry division. OZARKS. He was Major Frederick H. Knox Jr. He was the C.O. of Company C. His rank was Captain at the time. He was severely wounded in Linnich, Germany. His wounds were from an 88mm which paralyzed him from the neck down. He recovered miraculously from these wounds to lead a successful life in private practice. I have a photo album of many under his command, names of all he commanded in c co. and there rank @the time and there duty.I have pictures that need some names. I would very much like to get in contact with anyone who served with him.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I will be posting allstories I have and the photos soon!
Tell us something about your service:
Thursday 03/03/2005 5:00:58pm
Your Name: Laurie
Your Homepage: WWII Photos from a Combat Engineer
E-Mail: gids4@eznet.ent
City/Country: USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father, Louis Coke, served with Co B, 327th Engineer Combat Battalion with the 102nd ID Jan 44 to Sept 45, then 1st Engineers until March 46.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Website above has photos Dad brought home. They might be a POW work detail, I'm not sure. No insignia, except a close-up of belt buckle looks to me like Luftwaffe eagle. Would love to have feedback to help solve this mystery. Thank you.
Tuesday 03/01/2005 7:53:30am
Your Name: Emil K. Tuch
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: Emil1111@msn.com
City/Country: Hudson, Fl
What Unit Did You Serve With:
My father, Emil E. Tuch, served with the Ozark Divison. He was First Sgt. in a artillary Battalion. (S/Sgt., Bty. A., 381st Field Artillery Battalion).
When and Where Did You Serve:
He was at Camp Maxy in Tx and Ft. Dix NJ
He served in Europe.
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: Dad told me many stories. I remember him talking about a building full of people that were burned alive. He mentioned many towns in Germany and many names of men he served with.
Tell us something about your service: I remember him telling me about a guy in his outfit that had parents in a small town in Germany that they were near. Dad went with the guy to check on his parents. When they got to the house, the guys mother answered the door. His father was sitting at the kitchen table. He spoke to his mother in German and told her who he was. His mother slapped him in the face and spat some harsh words to him. His father just sat and starred at the table, never looking up at him. They left the house and after a long silence in the Jeep ride back to the unit. He told my Dad that his mother told him that his two brothers were killed by the American Army. They were German soldiers. The guy never spoke of them after that.
Comments/Suggestions: Any one that remembers the unit my father was in or Capt. Grabiel (Could be: Graybeal, Kent P., Capt.) or another Sgt. named Monkowski. (Could be: Mundkowsky, Norbert P., Sgt.) Please contact me.
Subject: Some Old Pictures
Tue, 25 Jan 2005 13:46:49 +0100
I saw the internetsite about the 102nd Infantry Division.
In an old box from my late grandmother, I found some pictures of US soldiers who had their camp (1944?) on the estate or near de farmhouse of my grandparents, as family told me.
I wonder if you can do something with my information or is there a chance to contact the family of those soldiers?
Information and names I found on the pictures are:
"B" 379th F.A.bn
Forward Observers
t/s Ben Worsester
t/s Walter James (home)(Ý)
cpl Caspar Scarpace (Ý)
sgt Foster Blakney (wounded home)
lt Henry Weema
lt Cooly S. Jaspar (wounded)(home) and pictures of his wife and daughter Sherry Kay also a remark pointing to San Antonio near Randolph Field
captain James Aiken
Tonny Jozef
Lane Duane
Looky Lockhart.
Rob Schouw <rob_schouw@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: <rob@schouw.vlissingennet.nl>
Monday 01/24/2005 4:53:49pm
Your Name: Debbi Herbert
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: dlherbert@hotmail.com
City/Country: Prospectville, Pa.
What Unit Did You Serve With: My uncle served in the 327th Engineer Combat Battalion / Company B / 102nd Infantry
Searching for information or contact person who knew my uncle. His name is John. F. Worthington and served in Company B / 327th Engineering Combat Battalion / 102nd Infantry Divison.
When and Where Did You Serve: Discharged in 1946
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Would like so much to hear from someone who knew my uncle. Any story shared would be so appreciated!
Tuesday 02/22/2005 6:45:46pm
Your Name: Steve Pachan
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: sp161202@ohiou.edu
City/Country: Athens,Ohio
What Unit Did You Serve With: My grandfather, William (Bill) Pachan served as a Corporal in Company L 407th Infantry Regiment 102nd Division his serial number #35931497
When and Where Did You Serve: I am trying to discover this information but from my understanding he enlisted or was drafted around 1944 and his discharge was on June 26 1946. I am also fairly certain that he fought in the Battle of the Bulge
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I have been curious for years on what type of information that I could get about my grandfather's experiance in the war. I am an aspiring teacher in History so now I am even more intrigued to get the information. Any stories or pictures would be greatly appreciated.
Tell us something about your service:
Tuesday 01/18/2005 8:27:28pm
Your Name: Ron Anderson
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: execflunky@comcast.net
City/Country: Wilsonville OR, USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: Retired 6 Aug 1996 as CSM of 45th Station Hospital, USAR after almost 41 years active and reserve service
When and Where Did You Serve: 2nd General Hospital, Landstuhl Germany during Desert Storm
Referred By: E-Mail
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: Can't add anything to the story of the 102nd ID
Tell us something about your service: National Guard, USMCR, Army Reserve
Comments/Suggestions: Am helping the daughter of Fred Koch, C Co, 1/405th Inf, 102nd ID recapture some of his history. He is alive and well in Oregon. He served as an interpreter during his time in the division. Took part in the liberation of Auschwitz and other camps and was assigned to the Nurenburg trials. Would enjoy hearing from any former comrades and can put them in touch with him.
Thursday 01/13/2005 7:11:07am
Your Name: Richard D.Funk
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: Ozarkengr@aol.com
City/Country: York,Pa.
What Unit Did You Serve With: B Co.327 Engr Batallion
When and Where Did You Serve: Went over w/ them and came back /them
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Tuesday 01/11/2005 7:53:20pm
Your Name: Carol Heppner
Your Homepage: Edward Marchelitis, Sr.
E-Mail: heppner@aol.com
City/Country: Archbald, PA USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My dad, Edward Marchelitis, Sr. served with 2 Platoon Co. A 407th 121/20/1942
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I have placed a photo of the platoon on the link provided. We are seeking info on the platoon.
Saturday 01/01/2005 7:42:15pm
Your Name: Jeanne Thibodeau
Your Homepage: http://www.miswald.net
E-Mail: thibodeaumiswald@yahoo.com
City/Country: Springville, USA
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I wanted to thank you for the great job your doing on this website and especially on my Dad's page.
(Note: Ms. Thibodeau is the daughter of Granbt W. Miswald, Jr., former member of Co. L., 407th Regiment, 102nd Division.)
Thursday 12/02/2004 4:52:46am
Your Name: Laurie
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: ljg2757@aol.com
City/Country: USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My father served in the 327th Engineer Combat Battalion
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service: My father, Louis COKE, served in Co B, 327th Engineer Combat Battalion with the 102nd Infantry Division. He sailed for Europe Sept 12, 1944 aboard the Santa Paula. He served in the ETO with Dick Funk, Steve Moroz, Donald Detweiler, Albert Baumgart, John England, Sam Allen, John Zriny, Jim Oviatt, Charles Isoldi, Sgt Murry, Toohey, Prendy, Franklin, Fondry, Childers, Lt Lay & more. My dad passed away in 1987. I have scanned close to 200 of his photos from during the war & occupation. I would love to correspond & share photos with other 327th Eng members or family. Great website! I check it & the board often.
Wednesday 12/01/2004 4:59:55pm
Your Name: Jeanne Thibodeau
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: thibodeaumiswald@yahoo.com
City/Country: Grand Marsh/USA
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve: na
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I didn't serve. I was surfing internet, looking for my web page, and saw a link with my dad's name in it. His name was Grant Miswald Jr. He never mentioned much about the war. My dad passed away four years ago. My family has pictures of dad in uniform. I would like to forward it but your email link sent me off to another page. Let me tell you a little more about my dad. He raised us seven children along with my mom. My mom became sick with a brain tumor and slowly died from it for 14 years. My dad took care of her until her death in 1987. He was really amazing. All of us children went to college, this was something dad always pushed.
Tell us something about your service:
Wednesday 11/17/2004 9:59:48am
Your Name: Bob Ungurean
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: rhungarian@aol.com
City/Country: Glenside PA.
What Unit Did You Serve With: Uncles were German soldier's
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Hi'
I would like to hear from James R Harris and Michael Wilson of Boyce VA. reguarding Heinz Harmel. Please contact me,I need some help about him. Thanku.
Wednesday 11/17/2004 6:47:00am
Your Name: Robert Ungurean
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: rhungarian@aol.com
City/Country: Phila PA. USA
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Hi, I would like to contact JIM HARRIS who did the nice story on Heinz Harmel.
Thanks Bob.
Saturday 11/13/2004 4:53:57pm
Your Name: Barry Basden
Your Homepage: http://www.camrocpress.com
E-Mail: barry@camrocpress.com
City/Country: US
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: I appreciate your ongoing work to save these stories while there is still time. I am also looking for manuscripts from those affected by World War II and have just published Fearsome Battle, by Robert Rogge, available directly from my website with free shipping or through Amazon.com
Saturday 09/25/2004 12:24:11am
Your Name: Mike Koenig
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: msk578@comcast.net
City/Country: Arvada, CO
What Unit Did You Serve With: none
When and Where Did You Serve: never
Referred By: E-Mail
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: just read the latest tory by Sal Conigliaro and noticed he mentioned my great uncle and his brother in there. Jim Groerich has told us many, many fascinating stories about his days in WWII. It's sad to hear about John (Jack) though. If he had made it, I'm sure he'd have just as many fascinating stories.
Thanks to every vet who served over there. If it weren't for you all, only God knows what our country would be like today. Don't even want to try to imagine it.
Tell us something about your service:
Friday 09/24/2004 8:10:23am
Your Name: Carl Sutton
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: txlonghorn@comcast.net
City/Country: Arlington, Texas
What Unit Did You Serve With: My dad was transfered to the 102nd ID. 405th IR. from the 80 ID.
When and Where Did You Serve: He transfered sometime in November of 1945 because of not enough points. He returned home in mid April 1946.
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Need to see if any veterans or family members have heard of him. The roster for the 102nd does not show him being there.
Sunday 09/12/2004 9:56:11pm
Your Name: Parke G. Hoover
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: parkeg7@JUNO.com
City/Country: Richmond, IN
What Unit Did You Serve With: Company "F" 405th Infantry
When and Where Did You Serve: European Theater - We landed at Cherburg and I think were the first troop ship to land after that port was cleared. I believe it was September 23,1944. On November 23, 1944 we were just outside the German town of Immendorf, near the Siegfried Line of pillboxes, when I was hit in the back of the leg late at night. We had headed back for our second trip to get 10-1 cartons of rations. It was Thanksgiving Day.
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: I saw only one day of action. I remember that the British shone searchlights against the clouds which made it look like a moonlite night. I didn't quite understand that. You could see them, but they could see you. It was getting to be early morning when I was hung on the side of a Sherman tank with British crew. One of them was up through the hatch putting blankets on me when I heard one of his buddies inside the tank call out "Hey, you better get your head down hear before you get it blown off". The Germans had started a mortar barrage prior to a counter attack that took place later. I was taken to a British aid station where I had a cup of hot tea. I was reported missing in action, but later my mother received word that I was wounded. My older brother was also in service at this time in the South Pacific. I have 4 brothers (2 are deceased). All 5 of us were in service at one time or another, 2 in Infantry, 2 in Navy and 1 served as a copilot with SAC flying missions over Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis.
Tell us something about your service: I was one of the 150,000 in ASTP and when it was disbanded we wound up in Infantry or Artillery. I was sent to Infantry at Camp Swift, Texas.
Comments/Suggestions: I have a copy of the 102nd Div. History.
I was handed a Purple Heart while in the hospital in England. The information was omitted in the history where names are listed and I believe an asterisk indicated a Purple Heart was awarded.
Thursday 08/12/2004 7:20:38pm
Your Name: Richard Holzman
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: brp52894@yahoo.com
City/Country: Palmyra/PA
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: My Grandfather served in the 102 Infantry Division G company.I was trying to find information on his medals and ribbons when i came across this page.
Tell us something about your service:
Friday 07/16/2004 9:43:01am
Your Name: Phyllis Amick (Baker)
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: p_jenison@yahoo.com
City/Country: Jenison, Michigan/Ottawa
What Unit Did You Serve With: My dad served in the Army: 102nd division/30th infantry. (Note: Roster shows Cecil Baker from Aloha, Michigan in Co. A., 406th, 1st Battalion.) He was a POW for a while. He said he got shot in the leg and that is how the Germans were able to capture him. My dads name: Cecil Loney Baker of Cheboygan, Michigan, Aloha Township
I also had a, would have been father-n-law that was with the 355th/89th Infantry division in Jima, Germany. His name: Gerald Richard Amick of Mackinaw City, Michigan. From what I was told is that he was a medic there.
When and Where Did You Serve: I don't have all that information right now only that my dad, Cecil Baker, served in Germany and that he talk about the Battle of the Bulge.
Referred By: Friend
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: If anyone knew my dad, Cecil Baker or Gerald Amick I would sure like to hear from you. Thank you
Saturday 07/10/2004 11:52:23am
Your Name: Gaston C. Hyde
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: Jag7hyde@aol.com
City/Country: Poplar Bluff, Mo. USA
What Unit Did You Serve With:
Medical Detachment of the 327th combat engenieer Battalion, 102nd Infantry Division
When and Where Did You Serve: 1944-1945 European Theater Operation. (France, Germany and Holland}
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: Will contribute later
Tell us something about your service: Shipped to the European Theater and served there until the war ended.
Comments/Suggestions: Drafted in Dec. 1942 at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO.Basic Training at Camp Maxey,TX.from there trained for two months manuevers in Louisiana,tnen trained at Camp Swift, TX.(Trained for Surgical Tech. at Ft. Simmons General Hospital, Denver, Colorado
Thursday 06/10/2004 5:40:51am
Your Name: Manuel Rodriguez
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: MRodri7158@aol.com
City/Country: Kofferen/Germany
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: On May 30, 2004, retired Sgt. Major Earl Hart returned a flag that his Dad took back in 1945, while serving in the 407th. Infantry Regiment during WWII. This flag is 120 years old, it was a beautiful Sunday morning, Earl presented Kofferen their missing flag. The older villagers here took the flag in their hands, kissed it and cried. Now I am looking for thesecond flag that was also taken from Kofferen, before the war, Kofferen was spelled "Cofferen". So this flag has Cofferen on it, it belongs to the St Margaretha Schützen (Schuetzen). If anyone out there knows who may have this flag, please let me know. Maybe it just might show up. Once found, I will make arrangements on how it will be returned back to Kofferen. Thank you
Tell us something about your service:
Wednesday 06/09/2004 11:28:06am
Your Name: June McCoun
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: jmccoun1@comcast.net
City/Country: Indianapolis IN
What Unit Did You Serve With: My uncle Roy L. Rogers (1st. Lt., 407th Regiment, 102nd Division, SSM*, BSM*, PH*, BMC) led the Rogers Raiders Group...I am trying to find info on the group and specifically the Yank March 11, 1945 issue with an article on Rogers Raiders and Across the Roer. Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks to all.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Fascinating to read all the accounts.
If anyone has any info on Rogers Raiders, please contact me at jmccoun1@comcast.net. My uncle was Roy "Buck" Rogers.
Friday 06/04/2004 6:50:23pm
Your Name: Katherine Chicchi
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: kathanchi@yahoo.com
City/Country: Slatington, PA
What Unit Did You Serve With: My dad Fred V Butryn served with Co D 405th Inf Regt
Expert Infantryman's Badge
Combat Infantryman's Badge
rec. purple Heart - GO 24 Hq 94th G.H.44
When and Where Did You Serve: Ammunition Bearer 605
Rhineland - Go 40 WD 45
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: my father passed away Thursday, Jun 3, 2004 and would like to find more information about his service
Saturday 03/13/2004 1:37:18pm
Your Name: Michael Wilson
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: mwzouave@hotmail
City/Country: Boyce,VA.USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: none
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: The story about Waffen-SS General Heinz Harmel was very interesting. A gentlemen.I have in my collection a autographed photo of him. A real collectors item. Very nice website. Thank You!
Friday 02/27/2004 10:11:46pm
Your Name: William G Fisher
Your Homepage: http://
E-Mail: bfisher4@juno.com
City/Country: Rockford IL
What Unit Did You Serve With: Co B 405th Infantry
When and Where Did You Serve: Camp Swift thru Dec 1945
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Monday 02/23/2004 8:29:49am
Your Name: donna
Your Homepage: http://www.wtv-zone.com/DER/mypages/wtdl.html
City/Country: Maryland
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: E-Mail
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Wow, I just read Alex Varga's story, (Co. K., 407th Regiment) and was blown away! I grew up with him as a neighbor, was, and still am, great friends with his daughter. I knew he was a medic in the war, but had never heard anymore than that. He is having some serious medical problems right now, so please pray for the medic who may have saved a friend of yours.
Thursday 02/19/2004 4:23:39pm
Your Name: Albert Schrut
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: aschrut@ucla.edu
City/Country: Los Angeles, CAlifornia, USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: 102nd Infantry Division
When and Where Did You Serve: April 43 to Jan. 46 in the USA for training and in France, Holland and Germany in combat as an infantryman
Referred By: E-Mail
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: Yes
Tell us something about your service: was in the 406 Regiment, Anti-Tank Company of the 102nd Infantry Division. We came in a few weeks after D day and went all the way throught France, Holland, Germany to the end of the war ending on the Elbe River, 30miles from Berlin. The Russians took Berlin.
Monday 02/16/2004 2:06:55pm
Your Name: Lynn Thomas
Your Homepage: http://none
E-Mail: elct@intercom.net
City/Country: Salisbury Maryland. USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: 102D infantry 405th infantry
When and Where Did You Serve: My father-in-law Edwin W. Thomas Sr. Serial Number 33938629 recieved a bronze star for meritorious service in Germany from 3 Dec 1944 to 20 April 1945. We know nothing about this as he never talked about it. He died in 1996 and we would love to know more of his service. The award talks about storming a house held by the enemy and effecting the capture of 25 occupants. Do I have the right web site that is speaking of his unit? Thanks for any help. Lynn Thomas
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Tell us something about your service:
Monday 02/09/2004 3:56:23am
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: oldturkey61@aol.com
City/Country: CARLISLE,USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: 103rd ARMOR DIV
When and Where Did You Serve: 1961-67
Referred By: Search Engine
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
Friday 01/16/2004 7:11:34pm
Your Name: Milton Mx Donald
Your Homepage: http://Allvantage
E-Mail: milmcd@allvantage.com
City/Country: Natchitoches La.USA
What Unit Did You Serve With: 102nd Ozark Div.
When and Where Did You Serve: France,Holland Belgium Germany
Referred By: E-Mail
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: Roer Crossin.
Before we crossed the Roer river I was involved in night patrols across into gerry land to harress and bring back prisinors to interogate.and find out what lies ahead.It was so cold at this time.I remember one night in Dec ,the Capt told a group of us he wanted us to go across and take a look so the 327th Engineers were to get us to the other side.We started across and got most of the way when we lost control because of the swift water.the Engineers had stretched a rope across but we were so heavy loaded until we were losing the boat. I knew we had too many people aboard and I said so but what did a soldier Like me know.The Engineers were in charge.I jumped out on one side and someone the other and we got the boat to the bank,but we were all wet and freezing.LT.said we would scrap this one so we proceeded to return.We decided to let half the guys go and have them come back for the rest.When we got about half way the boat started going crazy in the swift current and was sinking so we had to abandon ship.The last thing I heard LT say was Help Help I cant swim.Well it was so bad until we threw all we had in the ruver and swam a little to save ourselves.You see the Germans controlled a dam up above and they thought we were going to make the big push and would let a lot of water go The river would rise as much a four feet.We went to th e CP.Where we pulled our clothes off and got inbed while they dried our clothes.The next night we went back across and accomplished our mission.The Krauts sure did know we were on their side but we lost three more men. I still shiver when i think of that time on the ROER Thanks for listning. MILTON MC DONALD CO I 407Th Ozarks
Tell us something about your service: I was drafted out of High school , Took my training in Camp Swift Texas.We had the best training anyone could have.We went to Fort Dix N.J.and then to camp Kilmer where we departed and 12 days later we were in Cherbourg France.In about a month we were on the front line in edge of holland and Germany.We fought our way to about 35 miles of Berlin where we stopped and let the Russians go in.What a mistake.Served in occupation and came home in March 1946.The rest is history
Comments/Suggestions: This was hell on earth for us but I am happy to have served for my country, as well as the other guys. We came home, got a job and today which is 1-16-04 I am happy
Friday 03/21/2003 9:53:33am
Your Name: Terry L. Vaughn
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: tlvaughnfdc@yahoo.com
City/Country: Denver, CO.
What Unit Did You Serve With: Looking for information about my father who served with the 102 during WWII. anyone with info on Edward L. Vaughn (Co. E., 406th Regiment) from Joplin MO. OR a GI named Turner from Tennessee please contact me.
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
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Tuesday 11/05/2002 2:08:22pm
Your Name: Gallaway, W.C.
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: cgallaw1@san.rr.com
City/Country: La Jolla, Ca.
What Unit Did You Serve With: Co.F. 405 Inf Reg. 102 Division
When and Where Did You Serve: With Co. F. up to Roer. Was Staff Sgt. Squad leader,second platoon. I am the "Gally" metioned by Greenburg. Don't believe there was a "Red" This is a great piece of work. In additon to Souder and Greenburg, Jim Brophy wrote about his experiences in retrospect. You would be interested, I believe
Referred By: Friend
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story: It would be repititous to Souder's and Greenburg's.
Tell us something about your service:
Comments/Suggestions: Very Interesting and quite an effort on your part.
Thursday 10/31/2002 12:55:56am
Your Name: Paul Patist
Your Homepage:
E-Mail: patist@wanadoo.nl
City/Country: The Netherlands
What Unit Did You Serve With:
When and Where Did You Serve:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Would You Care to Contribute Your Story:
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Comments/Suggestions: For a Dutch couple who adopted the grave of PFC Jack L. Snyder 33624759, 406 Inf. Rgt/102 Inf.Div, KIA Nov. 19 1944, buried at Margraten/Holland, I'm looking for his next of kin believed to live in the Reading, PA area...
Any information is appreciated !
Paul Patist
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Interested in some background information?
Check out the related links below...United States Army, 102nd Infantry Division
History of the 102nd Infantry Division
Attack on Linnich, Flossdorf, Rurdorf - 29 Nov -- 4 Dec 1944
Gardelegen: April 13, 1945:
Massacre at the Isenschnibbe BarnAmerican Battle Monuments Commission: WWII Honor Roll
National World War II Memorial
Page added to website on 19 January 2005.
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Updated on 17 February 2012...0931:05 CST
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